Current State of Colorado

A lot has happened in the month since we first looked at Colorado’s feeling toward the candidates. Not a lot has changed when one looks at the net position of the candidates.

The trends according to, show that Hillary Clinton is still holding a sizable lead over Donald Trump. Clinton had lost a lot of popularity in late September, where at one point Trump was polling about a percentage ahead of her, but she gained most of her favor back since then. Currently she is trending down, but holds a 6.8 percent lead of 45.8 to Trump’s 39 percent.

Reading headlines of the Denver post, it appears that neither candidate is being touted over the other. Comments about the sensation of new emails being uncovered in the Clinton email investigation and Trump criticizing the integrity of Colorado’s polls indicate that Colorado’s media at least, is critical of both candidates.

Does these polls show the whole picture? The answer is by all means “no.” With the pace of this election and all its surprises, who knows what will happen this week or next that will change the public’s views of the candidates. As always we will have to wait and see what this election throws at us.

Sabrina Basile


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