North Carolina: Clinton and Trump fighting for the state

In the most recent polls done by the website FiveThirtyEight Clinton is currently up, but not by much. Just in this past week both Hillary and Bill Clinton have been down to North Carolina to campaign. Clinton is also receiving help campaigning in North Carolina from President Obama and his First Lady Michelle. On the other hand, Trump is using the reopening of the Clinton email case to his advantage. In several rallies he has stated that her email scandal is bigger than Watergate and that she should be locked up.Trump states that “justice must be done” and that Hillary is a threat to the safety of the United States of America.

While Trump seems to be residing well with voters who want change and more jobs, he has lost many of the voters in big cities such as Charlotte, which is where Clinton has spend a lot of her time gaining supports and their votes. The help from Bill Clinton as well as the First Lady and the President is helping Clinton stay that small 3 percent above Trump in the polls. The race will continue neck and neck until the final votes on November 8th.

— Rachael McGuigan


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