New Mexico

As of this past week New Mexico is no longer a battleground state.  It has moved from leaning Clinton in recent weeks to being a safe Clinton state.  Because of this and recent election results New Mexico has lost its swing state status and overall is now considered a safe democratic state.

-Richard Carroll



Debate questions for the candidates.

Debates provide the perfect opportunity for people to see what the candidates feel about topics and issues that interest them.  The best way to do this is to ask questions that will put the candidate in an uncomfortable situation and force them to answer the question.

To Mr. Trump why have you chosen to soften your stance on many issues until now?  Does it make sense to wait this long and force yourself to work so hard to make amends when you could have been doing this all along?

I would ask this to Mr. Trump because it seems that he has waited so long to change when many of his supporters have looked for this change.  He has pushed himself so far out there that it may have gone passed the point of return and maybe there is a specific reason and I wonder why.

To Secretary Clinton why is it that you refuse transparency in your campaign in the wake of all the secrets we have uncovered?  If you are to become president how do you plan to regain the trust of the people and improve on being transparent?

I would ask Mrs. Clinton this question because no matter what seems to happen her campaign continues to hide things and they never seem to have their story straight.  So I just wonder if their is a plan to get people to trust her or if she is hoping that that she will win either way.

–Richard Carroll

Swing State Summary: New Mexico

According to the official electoral voting website New Mexico has 5 electoral votes. According to real clear politics New Mexico is tending to lean towards Hillary Clinton in polls for the 2016 election.  According to real clear politics New Mexico leaned left in 2012 and was won by President Obama.  According to 270 to win New Mexico has voted with the Democratic party in every election since 1992 except in 2004 where they voted Republican. 

New Mexico is facing many environmental issues including the pollution of their rivers which companies are finding loopholes in the clean water act in order to continue to do their business even though it is affecting many people.  One of the biggest issues the state is focusing on is the creation of the Keystone Pipeline which they believe will only hurt the environment more and they are very clear in their position against its creation. 

Donald Trump has not visited New Mexico since before the primary election which happened in New Mexico on June 7th.  The Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton as well has not visited New Mexioc since around the time of the primary election.  Donald Trump faces an uphill battle in New Mexico as this state has the largest population of Hispanics of any state in the United States.   

–Richard Carroll